So, I've been interested in bento for a while now. I packed myself a few bento style lunches for work last year, but I have really been anticipating this year as my oldest daughter will be beginning pre-k this year. I am excited about packing her bento style lunches to take to school. I don't exactly have a lot of money to invest in supplies at the moment so I am starting with the basics.
The yellow two tier box I've had for a while, but the green two tier and the pink strawberry box are newly acquired for Anna. I also have some basic picks. I want some of the cuter ones, but they'll have to wait as our local Japanese shop does not carry them and I don't want to pay shipping costs at the moment. The two egg molds I have also had for a while. If you have never seen an egg mold they are kinda cool. I'll post some pics later.
These two are not traditional bento boxes. They are actually containers purchased from the baby section at Target but they work very well for bento.
If you have never heard of bento and are wondering what the heck I am talking are some links to check out:
These are links to "normal-people-who-have-lives-outside-of-making-lunches" bento. Something I could actually see myself doing each day for Anna.
And a few pictures of some really elaborate bento that I'd never have the patience for!!
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